Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Overdue update

Since reaching target I've neglected this blog somewhat! I've been at target for around 2 months now, and to date that's been uneventful - I'm still 2 lbs under target as of weigh in today. It's only varied by about half lb over the past few weeks.

I still can't quite believe it - I was overweight for so long, and to have lost 2 stone 2lbs still feels something like a miracle. I have 2 healthy A's and 2 healthy B's most days, which has meant being able to have some cheese again (love cheese so much) and some more wholemeal bread (and I love that too!)  At times I've gone way over syns - touch of the emotional eating if something's been amiss - but my damage limitation is a few days back on plan, and that seems to work for me.  I had a real chocolate blow out a week or two ago - and had a night of stomach pains and feeling bloated. It must have got something out of my system as I've had no urge to do that again :)

Just in the last few days I've been dealing with a water leak resulting in a lot of damage, and feel proud - and amazed - this time I didn't turn to my food comfort blanket (well, apart from 1 chocolate moment!) but just got on with the practicalities of getting it all sorted out.

Still enjoying my cooking although maybe got a bit 'stale', so need to try out different recipes and liven things up a bit. Just recently though with the hot weather I've been having tons of salad (pasta, or with new potatoes, etc) and cold meats or fish.  I was never a great salad eater before SW, but now love it.

So, am aiming to try out 1 new recipe a week, and will post photos, starting next week. This week is a bit chaotic dealing with insurance assessors, carpet firm, decorating and joinery quotes. Good job I've a supply of home cooked meals in the freezer, and lots of salads :)

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